Fertility Advice

Reproductive Nutrition

Women should enter pregnancy in the best possible health – did you know that dietary changes in the months leading up to conception can have a significant impact on fertility success!

We know that most women of reproductive age are not meeting requirements for folate, iron or iodine. Improvement in nutritional status prior to conception can help avoid delays to conception and support ovulation.

So what are the key nutrients to pay attention to?

You may have heard a lot about ‘folic acid’ and this is the main nutrient to focus on. Whilst it is certainly important to consume adequate folate during your pregnancy, there are actually many other nutrients that are just as important when trying to conceive and optimise your fertility! There are at least 12 nutrients that require close attention during your fertility journey. Some of these are nutrients like selenium, iodine, iron, folate, vitamin D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, choline, zinc and  magnesium.

Best way to eat - Mediterranean

The Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve reproductive health, both for him and for her, and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy if undergoing IVF. The Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, oily fish and all seafood, poultry, dairy products and wholegrains like quinoa. Red meat, sugar and refined carbohydrates like white bread and cereals take a back seat in this way of eating. Adopting the Mediterranean diet has also been associated with a reduction in the risk of developing pregnancy-related complications like gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.

Health issues and how they impact fertility

Several health issues can impact the reproductive system. Things like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Hashimoto’s, diabetes, insulin resistance, carrying excess weight, endometriosis and unfortunately being over 37 years old (advanced maternal age), all impact our fertility.

Many of these conditions or factors can upset the hormonal balance in our bodies which may lead to a lack of ovulation, compromised egg quality, delay in egg maturation, or cause low grade inflammation in the body, all of which reduce our chances of conceiving.

However, don’t despair! There is SO much we can improve with specific nutrition! In a matter of 3-6 months you can positively change your egg quality, reduce insulin resistance and inflammation, and increase your changes of natural conception or successful IVF outcomes!

Whether you are thinking about optimising your nutrition for preconception health, or are looking for a bespoke fertility supplement plan, book a free call with Lara to find out how
she can help you!