Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Dietitian and Nutritionist?

In Australia, all Dietitians are nutritionists, but not all nutritionists are Dietitians. This is because to become a Dietitian you have to partake in additional study (generally a minimum for 4 years at university) and 20 weeks of supervised placements assessing your professional practice in clinical nutrition, medical nutrition therapy and food service management.
Dietitians in Australia who meet strict criteria are eligible to join the Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) program. APD is the only credential for dietitians recognised by Medicare and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and many private health insurers.
All APDs are committed to undertaking a minimum of 30 hours of continued professional learning each year to maintain membership to the Dietitians Australia.

How long do appointments go for?

Usually an initial appointment is 60 minutes, but this does depend on what you need when you first get in touch. For complex cases, I recommend 75-90minutes for an initial consultation. A review appointment is generally shorter, with most taking 45 minutes, unless it is an express supplement consultation which is only 30 minutes.

Are there any rebates available for my consultation?

Private: If you have private health insurance, depending on your policy and level of cover, you may be eligible for a rebate on your dietitian appointments. Please check with your insurer directly if you are covered and how much you will get back, as this varies from person to person.
Medicare: You may be eligible for Medicare rebates for up to 5 allied health (including dietitian) appointments per calendar year under a Chronic Disease Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement Plan. The rebate is $55.10 per appointment. Speak to your GP about this scheme and whether it is right for you.
Medicare rebates can be claimed on the spot if you have the Team Care Arrangement Plan completed prior and sent over prior to your initial appointment.

Do I need a referral to see a dietitian?


You do not need a referral to access services if you are coming with your private health fund or are willing to pay out-of-pocket. A referral from your GP is necessary if you are looking to claim a Medicare rebate, this needs to be presented at your first appointment to ensure you get your rebates.

Can I see you face-to-face?

I offer one-on-one services virtually via Zoom and face-to-face consultations. We know from research and through client feedback that virtual or telehealth consultations are just as effective in terms of results and more convenient for clients, so say goodbye to travel time, finding a carpark and long drives!

When you book a virtual consultation, you will simply receive a link to your virtual appointment, plus a reminder email 48 hours prior to your appointment. Hop onto your device (preferably a laptop or desktop) about 5 min before your appointment time to quickly download the program then click the link to connect to your appointment.

Receipts will be issued after the appointment concludes via email.

What is your cancellation policy?

Providing less than 48 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment will incur a $60 cancellation fee, which cannot be claimed through Medicare or your private health fund. This also applies to non-attendance to appointments. This is to allow others who also need an appointment timely access to my services

What is your privacy policy?

Privacy and confidentiality are important when it comes to your personal and health information, and this is a key priority.

Will you give me a really prescriptive meal plan?

Nope! That’s not how I work! I empower people to make good decisions around what you eat and teach them to trust their body’s signals. By balancing your meals and choosing high quality foods and knowing your portion sizes, you definitely won’t need a meal plan! You will feel confident around food after working with me!

Any More Questions?

Use the form below to get in touch!